Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happy hump day!!

It has been a long while since I have been on here. My fingers are sore. I have been working on the teacher's end of the year gifts. And doing some back and forth things going on. We have to put Charity in a pre first transition grade. She is to "young" for first grade. Even though she has mastered the kindergarten skills she is not mature enough. Ive been going through this since the start of the year. I knew she needed it but hubby thinks she will be ok. Then he talked to the teacher finally and found out that she really needed this class. Now I am not so sure. It finally hit me that she and her sister will now be broke up in a since. It was they were a year apart now it is they are two years apart in school. I hope this does not affect them in the long run. When they are older. Oh well we will deal with it when it happens.

For Mother's day we went to my mom's and his mom's house. One of the horse's had a baby last week. It was very nice. I will post pictures later. I am dealing with a sinus thingie. OR something. I feel like crapola. Lets see not much more for now. I really need to get my butt in gear and finish the present. I have the edging slip and sleeves along with the purse to finish I will take pictures. So until we meet again. Have a good week. Oh I will have pictures of graduation and my dress I keep talking about from time to time. It is like a Mexican dress. It is flowie and all that good stuff. Later..


Yarn Tails said...

Hey there! Wanted to say thank you for the birthday card! That was very sweet of you. I know all about being sick. I got stupid pneumonia. And feel like shit! Hope you are having a good hump day! Hugs!

Kare said...

Hi Court.
You know, that's exactly what happened to my daughter.
It was the best thing for her. That year that it took made her more secure with everything and she went from hating school because she wasn't emotionally ready to loving it and being an honor student.
Dani and Kris are now 2 years difference and it's all good.