Graduation was great. She was so cute getting her diploma and the songs they sang were so cute.
However we did go camping and the girls had a blast. We all needed it. Charity out fished everyone. It was funny. The place we went was nice. We had camped there before. It was a beautiful weekend for it not to hot and not to cold.
Lets see I made the other bed doll and it turned out better than the first one. Which I think it is always the case in making something for the first time. Also I helped my friend that I have worked in her classroom all year tare down her room getting it ready to be cleaned for the summer. We painted hands for pillow cases it was really cute. All the kids in her room brought in white pillow cases and we wrote a poem on the pillow case and then painted one of their hands so they could remember the kids in their first grade class. I got to do one too!!
Friday was Jasmine's last day of school for the summer. It was nice because a friend took the girls for the night on Thursday night and took them to get her report card and all because she had two that were still in school. It was cool. Kenneth and I had a night to ourselves at which we spent fighting a barn fire. Fun fun. WE got home 4:00 Friday morning. We got to go swimming on Friday all day and also again the rest of the weekend.
Lets see we went to my mom and dads and Kenneth ran fence with my dad and I helped my mom cook we had my aunt and uncle along with my sister come out to my moms and had a little get together. Then on Monday I had one here at my house for his dad and brother. His mom had to work. And my nephew was in FL. So that is what we did for Memorial day.
The girls got birthday money graduation money and tooth fairy money and had to go shopping. We got swim suites and towels. Charity got one that has Tony Stewart on it and Jasmine got one with Pirates of the Caribbean on it. Jack and Will. Along with the Black Pearl. Oh and the best I got the belt finally for the vacuum!! I can vacuum now since it has been 16 days. But we really have not been home to mess it up all that much. So now that all is caught up now, I will let you go now. Hope all is well. Will talk again later. Until we meet again.
Glad you're back... man that post made me tired!
Sorry for your loss though.
Yep I guess that is what happens when you are away for awhile.
Thanks about the loss. I think that is I am not sure how to responde to it. Thanks anyways!!
Sorry about the loss...
But you sure have been one busy girl! I am sweating and tired already.
Have a great rest of the week!
Holy! That's alot of going on.
Sorry to hear about your grandma.
Court, you do an awesome job with your family. Nice to hear about all the good stuff and family time. Did you take camping pics?
(16 days without a vacuum. omg. I'd die. Yay for the belt.)
Oh yes I wanted to die. I don't know how many times I wanted to call a neighbor to use theirs. It was horrible. I have vaccumed just about everyday now that it is back in service.
Thanks for the good words. I try to do what I can when I can. I did not realize how hard it really was to raise kids and run a family. I thank my mom and grandmother for all they do and did for me and my sibilings. IT is very hard work.
And on his grandmother well like I said there is more but thanks.
Thanks, It is one of those things that really there is lots more but.. My week is going good so far. I had a bug or something and my comment to you got deleted or something gotta love blogger!! LOL
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