Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I am not the soccer mom.. But in the end I will be..

Let the story begin. I am not the soccer mom but I am the mother of two little girls who want to go everywhere. I feel like I am running on empty. I have had NO time for blogging.

It all started when we had this play date thing going. Used to be 3 days a week. The girls would go do fun crafts and stuff in the morning come home eat and then swim in the afternoon. Well I wanted to drop it down to two days because the other 4 days I could not do anything. And the other mom in the group wanted too as well. So we dropped it down to the two days. Not bad. Just I have more time to run errands for Kenneth and the girls and well everything. And then just like now I get the phone calls that last forever and I can not talk and type at the same time without typing what I am saying or saying what I am typing so it is a catch 22. LOL!! Oh and now that the garden is in effect well I am busy with that too. Sigh no time no time. Oh and let me not forget the four legged addition that well HE is another child. You fuss on Goose and well he will fuss back. You correct Goose he just destroys more. I am trying to get it all in order. I have tons of pictures to share and a video to share. And well it will get done just not sure when. Wishing you all and your families the very best. HUGS!! Until we meet again happy trails to you! : )


Kare said...

Hey Court.
Life with kids is all about running around. Mine are 22, 16 and 15 and I'm still at it.
Take care.

Lucy said...

Good for you...your little ones will always remember the time you spent with them and for them!

Darlene said...

Gotta love being busy, huh? I haven't had time to breathe in so long, and my kids are 16 & 20. Does it ever change?