Thursday, April 12, 2007

"Joe's Name Game"

The reason it is named this way is because a guy I went to school with came up with it. I am on MYSpace and this is from over there. It is kinda fun. Not really much to blog about except I did not have to cook on my b-day and I got a fern and a card and then some flowers from my little one. They had someone come in and do flower arranging with them since it was their plant unit this week. It was sweet. So anyways that is it in a nut shell. Hope you do the "Name Game" would love to see other answers!! Have a good weekend. Until we met again.. Oh loved the Grey's compilation last night. And ER of course was a good one. Sounds like it may be the end of the road for ER not sure. Never know. I hope not. Though one commerical sounds an awful lot like it may be. I am be over reacting. Anywho.

Everything must start with the first letter of your name Harder than it sounds, for some letters!

Your Name: Courtney
Famous Artist/Musician/Band: CCR
3 letter word: Can
Street name: Coble Rd.
Color: Cranberry
Vehicle: Cutlass
TV Show: Charmed
State/City: Chapel Hill
Boy Name: Chase
Girl Name: Carson
Alchoholic Drink: Coladas
Occupation: Carpenter
Flower: Calalily
Celebrity: Courtney Love
Famous Leader: ?
Toy: cart
Animal: coon
Food: Chocolate
Something found in a kitchen: Candy
Reason for Being Late: Call
Something You Throw Away: Candy wrappers
Cartoon Character: Cartman
Type of desert: Chocolate covered strawberries


Netter said...

OK, technically my name starts with an "A"...but ny nickname's "N" would be much easier. I'll give it a shot though.

I love Grey's and ER....but don't tell me ER is ending. Shoot. I guess it will give me more time to devote to The Office and all the other wacko crap I watch on TV. Its still sad though.

I'm glad you were a spoiled a little on your birthday.

Court said...

Yep spoiled om my b-day.

Please don't hold me to that about ER. I may have misunderstood. I HOPE I misunderstood.

Lucy said...

I may have to try Joe's game! Glad my name doesn't begin with an X or a Z or a Q!

Court said...

Bg, that is so ture. That would be so hard. LG